Don't mess with the Crab
How're ya'll? Doing pretty meh here.
I am however pleased on the remix that I did in it though. Pretty much a refinement of a previous 3d program I worked in, Tinkercad. Albeit, its not a 100% accurate to the original, but still close enough to what it used to be.
This crab will destroy you |
The crab above was made with 3 objects I found in Thingiverse.

Essentially a V8 engine, an okay meme hand and a high quality crab.
We also did a critique in our 3d object class about our creations in Tinkercad.
My takes within the critique sessions were that critique were mostly positive, since everyone seemed to be unsettled on the critique part, I know I was. However, I was told by one of my classmates that most of my creations were about or related to cars, which caught their attention on a specific creation I made which was this. It's interesting to see that their reactions to it differs from before I explain my thoughts and after I did as they mostly go from meh to wow. Of course, its not perfect but it seemed as if they didn't have a lot of things to say other than "interesting". Overall, I think I didn't really benefit too much from the critique since every one that I got partnered with seemed to not really care too much since most of the creations we did had less thought put in than a typical art. Literally just scroll down and find something interesting was the idea between all of us. Another thing one of my partners mentioned was colour. While some of my 3d objects in tinkercad were coloured, he pointed out that colour could make things be more differentiated, and easier to see.

I started to do the crab with the okay meme hands but thought that it felt a little bit lacking considering the remixes my peers seem to have created. So I decided to slap an engine on it's shell. I think this mostly reflect the things I like to mess around with. Engine reflecting my enjoyment watching, learning, and even creating cars in my free time. Crab would reflect my favorite animal and my favorite go to to save myself from swearing in front of people, and adding the hand to it creates a higher meme strength for me. There isn't really too much detailed reason why this was put together other than my own wants, to be honest, and I personally think that most remixes out there are made with the same idea that it fits together visually. On the other hand, even though these remixes are created without a deeper thought put onto it, combining objects really does create more of a story than when they are separated. And overall, I think one of the reasons why I combined these together is the idea of a real life crab powered by fossil fuel, and has hands instead of pincers, sounds like it would be incredibly unnecessary in our world.
I think that pretty much wraps up my suffering 3D creature. Smell ya later.
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